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Studio Mag top 5 - poll

Name your favorite mags in order of preference add why if the mood grabs ya!

1) EQ - more bias towards alt rock and 'youth' music
2) Sound On Sound - learn stuff / news
3) Tape Op - Mad layout makes it last a (good) while 'cause it is so damn hard to read!
4) Mix
5) Audio Media (europe edition is all I can get)

I burn through em all!


So many forums, it's so hard to choose the right one!

OK, so I'm using a Tascam USB unit to do my tracking with. I want to route the vocals through an external reverb unit: however, the Tascam box doesn't have aux sends/receives, and when I go from output to input, all I get is some feedback (very creative feedback that will tactfully go into the song, so not a wasted effort).

Are David, Roger and George really gone?

I just went to musicplayer to ask DAvid a question and all three of my favorite forums are off the board. They are reworking the system, so I can only hope that the other forums are just not up and running so far. Ed Cherney's MPER is there. Unfortunately he hasn't been there for weeks, as you know. Anybody know what's up?


What phase are you in?

Everyone knows that 'amateur' demo's are given away by loads of cheap reverb washing around - that's probably why they sound so good some of 'em. (Not sure what the signs are these days, maybe huge chunks of uncleared samples).
However most producers eg Bob Clearmountain, have phases of leaning too much this way or that. Bob was having a ball with reverb on Roxy Music's Avalon.

Using gear for stuff it wasn't really meant for?

Jay Kahrs mentions below he uses his TC M2000 multi FX unit as a converter (24 bit! Nice!) We use our digital FX boxes as converters often too (when our best converter is out on hire for example)

Fletcher I think has a compressor on his TV set at home...

I know Dave Martin in Nashville likes to keep his coffee warm on a favorite piece of valve gear!

Vintech 1272 Good or Bad?

Seems like some are negative on the Vintech 1272, either because they're not really a real Neve 1272 or maybe something wrong with the sound...

I know the bottom-end is a little hyped and the mids can be crunchy, but they've been ok to really nice for me on elec guitar, bass DI, kick and snare... Not having a chance to use a real Neve to compare them, am I missing something here?


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