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Name that Pro Tools card!

I got a call to come pick up some old Macs at a school my wife works at. They've gone all PC, and they know I fix-up orphaned Macs. One was a 7200/75 but the other was a monster-rack-mounted Avid Media Processor. It booted up fine and turned out to be an 8100/100 with 64MB ram and a 1GB Seagate. It had a NuBus extender in it and a bunch of cards.

Mix Fetish

Here is an offbeat topic: what odd or unique sorts of voodoo rituals do you guys engage in as part of your mix routine? This could be something as simple as "I always patch the lead vocal to come up on console channel 24" to: "I always measure the mains voltage and print the master mix when it measures 119.95 Volts" Get busy and let me hear about some of ya'll's mixing rituals.

"A/B-ing" your mixes to match the quality comm

OK to you play your mix then flip over to "The Next Big Thing's lastest CD or whatever you use as a bench mark...(this is caled A/Bing btw)

But the commercial CD is MASTERED! Your mix is NOT!

What if the commercial CD is WAY louder than your mix?

Is your CD player's output sound, one you can trust?


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