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Best method for mixing DAW tracks?

I'm sure this is not a new question, and I've asked it once myself over in the MOTU forum, but didn't get answers that quenched my I'll ask it again here.

What are people's opinions about the best way to mix tracks recorded to a host-based DAW? Do you prefer to mix in software or use a console? If the latter, do you prefer a digital or an analog console?

Pro Tools performance concerns...

Grateful thanks in advance for any help ! I have been evaluating PT Free for a few weeks now, getting ready to decide whether or not to invest in a DIGI001 system. I have some questions regarding features and performance, which so far are not up to par with other setups (Sonar & Tascam US-428, etc...) I have tested.

Pro Tools performance concerns...

Grateful thanks in advance for any help ! I have been evaluating PT Free for a few weeks now, getting ready to decide whether or not to invest in a DIGI001 system. I have some questions regarding features and performance, which so far are not up to par with other setups (Sonar & Tascam US-428, etc...) I have tested.

LAWP & Autotune

I can't get Autotune to tune correctly when used with LAWP at 48K. Anyone else notice this? I been struggling with this for months. I just built another computer just for Logic, nothing else in it, but Logic and Autotune, right now, and still it will not tune correctly at 48K. It's as if I have the wrong key set, but it's really between keys. Please someone comfirm this.

AMEK "Channel in a Box"

Anyone had a hands on with this unit? Fletcher, your comments on the 9098i where so complimentary, I wonder how much this supposedly "identical" front end to that board has much to do with the overall flavor you so appreciated? Was it the boards inputs you used, or where you using a different front end on the sessions you had? Thanks Paul

Remote/Locator rollaround

Ok. this is going to sound stupid, but where the HELL can I find a decent rollaround for an otari 24tk locator/remote? I cant afford a $2k studer stand heh. but I would prefer to not have something thats "cheap feeling".

I know this isn't the most technical/complex question but ffs ive been looking all over for something reasonable and still havent found a decent solution.