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Question for the future:As digital improves

Where do you pro's see yourself in five years as far as recording/mixing mediums and formats? Do you feel that as conversion quality gets better and tape emulation DSP gets better that you as a pro will feel comfortable with all digital, or will you remain with a hybrid, say mixing on your favorite desk like a Neve or api like mixerman suggested?

Telefunken ELA 130 Stereo Width control?

I've been picking up old Telefunken solid state modules whenever I can find them for almost free prices on Ebay or the local classified ads. I have picked up some incredbily well constructed and great sounding gear for almost no money. My latest find is a Telefunken ELA E130b, a two channel module that can control the stereo image width of MS or XY signals.

Newbie Mastering software Question

I posted this question at a couple of the other forums but I thought I would put it up here to see what the DAW world folks have to say.I run a small recording studio that does mostly demos and low budget indy releases. I prefer to have my mixes mastered by a professional mastering house because I don't have the tools and monitor set up to get proper results.