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Suggestions on where I might take this from here ?

This piece is evolving but what really excited me about it was that both guitars are live tracked single takes close mic'd w/ my SM57 on my Boogie into my M-Audio Profire 610.

I got lucky I think with mic position here and got what I thought was a usable sound without too much fiddling.

Post hardcore mix – feedback much appreciated

Hi guys, thought I would share my latest mix/song. The bands me and my band are inspired by, both music and production wise are:
Red, of Mice and Men, memphis may fire, i see stars, Breaking benjamin etc..
Would like to hear what you guys think about the mix mostly, but also the song.

analog transfers between uncoupled DAW's

Okay... so, I've got a decent second audio I/O for several days... a friend of mine is letting me use his Focusrite I/O while he's on vacation, so I thought I'd try mixing to a separate DAW.


There will be no external analog summing involved, hi voltage or otherwise. So, without this step, should I even bother with mixing to a secondary DAW?