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Mic Pre Challenge

This topic has been deleted.. From now on any kind of "challenge" like it, "bait" posted to create a flame, will go the same way. I thought it was what it turned out to be when it first came up but I decided to let it run to see where it went. Having seen where it led, it is now where it belongs.. in the trash . . . move on to more constructive endeavors.

Mic Pre's

Does anyone know a good cheap mic preamp that is available? I was reading recording magazine...or maybe it was home recording...I don't remember honestly...anway there was a review of a $179 mic preamp that was called the VTB1 I think. It sounded nice in the review but who knows with written reviews right?

UA 610 a good starter mic preamp?

Hey guys, still debating which mic preamp to get. I only have a Allen and Heath board and a little Joemeek so I need one that will be the best all around going into Nuendo. I can get a new (open box) UA 610 for $999. Great deal but would this be a good starter pre. Would it build up too much if I use it for kick/snare (or room mics) then for bass, guitars, voxes etc?

Mic preamp Specifically for Overheads?

I've had it in my head that one of my next purchases would be a preamp specifically for overheads. Anyone have a recommendation (I'd love to see a range of prices) for such a unit? Seems like it would have a mixing bus for instances where hard left/right panning wasn't desired (since I'm using a DAW, I'd rather have analog summing) and mid/side decoding.