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Concerns about the M Audio MobilePre USB...

Hi, I've been doing some browsing to try and find the best basic setup to get me started on home recording, and I have a few questions that I would appreciate being answered :)

1. I plan on using Cubase and the MobilePre USB. Does anyone have any experience or know of any possible problems that might arise from this combination?

Anybody can help me with a Korg D12 Recorder?

I get a screen that says "Init Internal Hard drive" when i start it up. Then it goes to an initializing screen with and animation of a man hammering on a disc spinning. and it just stays there for hours n hours, days n days. I'm stumpped. I found a way to skip the initializ screen. but then i get into the system and i cant save ANYTHINg. cant start a new song, nothing can be " OK" 'd.

I'm not happy with my professionally done mix...what now?

Hey everyone -

I just am finishing an EP with my band, and we just went to a very nice, well repsected studio in my area to do the overdubs and mixing. We recorded the basic tracks at our well outfitted home studio.

Overdubs went great, and it was on to mixing. All the basic tracks sound stellar.


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