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Bandwidth of My Raw Drum Tracks Seems Narrow

Hi there,

This happens to me over and over...I tune and mic up my kit as best I can, but the raw tracks in their relative balance seem very puny(lacking top and bottom) compared to the sound of my raw guitar amp(Les Paul/Mesa Tremoverb/SM57) and P- bass DI tracks.

The latter instruments come across much richer and louder than the drum tracks for a given peak meter reading.

home recording/Yamaha 01x

I'm just creating my home studio. i will be recording my band as live. my plan was 2 submix the drums then out in into the Yamaha 01x and then use Cubase sx.
the Yamaha 01x has just been given excecllent reviews in every mag i own. what does anyone think of it. has anyone got 1 and found its gunna fall apart. any thoughts or obvious faults in my plan will be most welcome.