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Permance problem with newly formated install...

Sometimes when a program is opening I have some audio running (winamp etc) The sound will start to stutter.
Also my mouse will tend to stutter aswell.
So this is either a memory, CPU or HD performance issue?
Ive Ran Hot CPU tester and it says i have 0 Problems.
Oh yeah this is NOT a virii prob.

SONAR RME Audio Digi96/8 pad, reducing latency

Hi, Im not so new to the world of recording but relatively new to recording using a PC.

Im using a 2GHz Celeron with 512 MBs RAM kitted out with a RME Audio DIGI 96/8 PAD card (and a SBLive 5.1 gamer which I run all the system sound through).

Im using Sonar 2.2 XL and ASIO drivers (as SONAR has issues using WMD with the RME audio card)