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decompressing stereo drum loops

I would like to ask you guys about decompression.
Sometimes I use streo drums loops for my own productions. Seems Roland Patches (probably any others) come already squeezed to death, sound already too loud and bright.

I end up having to eq it severely because at the final junior mastering it ends up sounding like Sh!

oka, we can turn down the volume also -lol

defferance between 4050 and 4050/cm5

Hi guys, I just recently bought a Audio-Technica 4050 from a local dealer. But when I got it the lettering on the mic and the box was differant then the ones I see on the web. The ones I see on the web say 4050/cm5 on the bottom of the mic, which looks like silver lettering. On my brand new 4050 it says just "4050" in a goldish kind of lettering.


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