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Nic Cards - Pops & Clicks


I have heard people mention problems with Nic cards and just read this on

I think there idea of creating xp hardware profiles and disabling the nic card for the audio profile is prolly a good idea.

Also, does anybody know if this problem is specific to 3Com Nic cards? Also is it specific to PCI or will onboard Nic suffer the same problem?

To Mac or not to Mac

Hey guys, first I'll say that I've been using PCs for years and they work fine for me.
I am considering including a mac in my studio however. I ran into a used G4 450mhz with 256meg of ram for $300 or so.
What exactly can this machine do for me? Would it be underpowered for running 24-36 audio tracks@48K/24bits? Any input would be great. Thanks :cool:

Desert Island Compressor?

I am currently in the market for a "high-endcompressor." Right now, I record everything into my DAW with no compression and do everything in the mix. I'd like to be able to get hotter signals into my workstation and also add a little bit of color before mixdown. This compressor would have to be one that would work well on many sources ranging from drums to vocals.

too much monitor for the room?

I've been the proud owner of a pair of Mackie HR824 monitors for the last year but now I'm considering something else. First of all, I record and mix in the same room, which happens to be very tempermental. I've treated it adequatelly with foam, layed down some carpet, etc., but the way the room is configured limits the ways I can set it up to only one.