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DAW Help for a new guy

Looking for recommendations for a simple easy hard disk DAW for a beginner. Wnat to use DAW for the purpose of recording my Triton sequences, and vocals. Not looking to be a producer, just to get my songs down. Thought about Digi 001, or some other computer-based system but I think it is over the top for what I am trying to do. I like the hands-on simplicity of the hard disk recorders.

ACID levels

How should i be setting levels in Acid?

Each track has a fader and then there's a stereo master. I seem to have a knack for clipping the Master regularly. i looked in the manual but could not find specific info on setting levels. I record my guitar into it too but don't have too much trouble with that. Is there a global command to set levels of added tracks at a given level?