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Word clock cable length?

OK, I am getting a Lucid Genx-6, to use as a word clock source for two PC's running hammerfalls, a Yamaha AW4416, and external converters.

My question is, should all the cables from the Genx-6 be the same length (in which case they would all have to be 3 metres), or can I have different lengths varying from 50cm or 1 metre, up to three metres?


Backup Solutions

I've thought about purchasing two HDs, and having them mirror each other. Has anyone tried this; I'm worried about it hogging cpu time while recording, etc. It seems to me that mirroring my audio drive would be an easy back up solution since I record something new very frequently, and the price of HDs falling. If one drive fails I have another one ready to go with minimal down time.

DP compatibility with PT

I'm a Digital Performer user and I have a compatibility question for you Pro Tools users. I have a client that wants to track drums and other loud instruments at my studio and take the finished tracks back to his place for mixing in Pro Tools LE. If I save all the files as AIFF and save the song as an OMF file can Pro Tools LE open it?


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