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Which order? EQ - Compressor - De-esser

I once cut out some peices of paper, each with different words on them:

Mic Pre

And droped them on a table in front of 4 very experienced engineers. It was funny the way they argued and scratched their heads as to 'the right order' for them. There was no uniform concensus at all.

how to mix down 4-track 2 computer

I own a Tascam porta07, its a decent little recorder and being as I am a lo fi nut am using it to record my album. I have figured out how to mixdown to a computer in stereo so I can burn it onto a CD, I just need to know what software(preferable freeware) can record 2 tracks at the same time with one panned left and the other right

36 tracks in LE?

Hi, last night i was on the DUC, and some guy wrote something about a glitch he discovered in LE. He claims to have been able to play and record 36 tracks. He did not post how, but asked others if he *should* post the knowledge. The overwhelming response was "yes," but this morning (it's actually noon) the post wasn't there. Has anyone heard anything about a glitch?


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