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Cheap Spring Reverb Solution Volume IV - Budget Consumer Equipment (FOSTEX 3180)

Hello everyone,

Another installment into my "Cheap Spring Reverb" series. This time I take on the Fostex 3180. This noisy little machine adds a nice sheen to any track I pass through it. Very versatile in my opinion if you aren't looking to spend a large sum of money. I think I picked up mine for something around $100-$200 a little while back. Well worth the money I would say.

Studio Recording Mic Choice Help

Hello everyone, I am currently at university studying sound engineering and am conducting some research on microphone choice in the industry. I am calling on anyone with studio recording experience to complete this short questionnaire (~15 minutes) giving your 2 cents on which microphone you would use in specific music recording situations.

Recording classical in studio (on a budget)

Hello all!  I am new here and have not been in the music business or in a studio in decades.  I have been recording my songs (pop/rock/blues) on my home digital studio for years (BOSS BR-1180)...    But now my daughter is composing contemporary classical pieces (think Philip Glass) and it is time to record them.  She has written a Cello and Violin part to a couple of songs.  I have questions th

Any singing recording app?

Hey guys! I've been singing professionally for more than 15 years and I finally decided to start my TikTok profile with singing covers, etc. However, I noticed that it' still better to have your vocals pre-recorded than singing it live. I don't have any professional microphone, but I heard that you can get a pretty decent recording just using your smartphone.

Write a song for FREEDOM inspired from this content

Political content…

Have a listen to this video (all the way through) and write a song based around its content. If you are not a songwriter then maybe you could be an inspiration towards producing or recording content like this. People are starving for hope. Wake people up!

Cheap Spring Reverb Solution Volume III

Hello all,

I made a third instalment to my video series about cheap spring reverb solutions. This time I talk about using an old mixing board with a built in tank. Hope you enjoy!

I hope to start a discussion on this thread. What is your cheapest piece of gear you use on your recordings? Any hidden gems (uh oh hope we don't drive up the prices of anything!!)
