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Suggestions for new mic tests on Youtube

I've been thinking about useful reviews for my Youtube channel, and the stats show that people like comparisons with counterfeit or just plain and simple dirt cheap mics, up against the usual branded products. Years ago, I played the cello, and just laid my hands on one for the first time in 40 years.

Weird Sound

Hey people. It's been a while. I used to post here a lot back when I was full time in the industry. I'm trying to get back into recording a little bit. It would be great to reconnect with ya'll again. I downloaded a new DAW today and fired up a Scarlett interface that I had laying around. I can't get it to work right. When I record I get this weird electrical sound.


QY300 question

Hi all. I have a question regarding the QY300 sequencer. I just purchased one and can't find any information in the manual about hooking up various keyboards, so as to control them individually from the QY. There seems to be nothing in the manual regarding this. So how do I set it all up to record midi channels and play them back without having to listen to the QY's internal synth?

Recreating Carpenters harmonies for stage tracks

This might be interesting - we produce a lot of show tracks. Mostly used as click tracks in stage type shows - for where you need extra musical parts you simply cannot do live, or as emergency tracks where a band member might simply be unable to sing due to illness - the usual coughs and colds, or where simple medical issues make certain thing impossible.

Cassette Recorders - The Tascam 112 Recorder from the 90's

I just dug out my old Tascam 112 cassette recorder that's been sitting in the store which I bought in the mid 90s - and I've done a comparison between something recorded in my DAW at 48K, 32 bit floating point, then this file re-imported as a 320 MP3, and then the .wav recorded onto the Tascam, reimported back to the DAW.

Swissonic 88 note Master Keyboard pros and cons

I got asked about the keyboard people could see in the various videos on microphones - it's  a Swissonic 88 note master keyboard and it's got loads of faders and rotary controls, plus a set of drum pads - I've recorded what comes out of Cubase and what the mic in the studio can hear - make your own mind up.