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What do your waveforms look like?

So I was wondering if anyone is like me and records oh say drums and in Cubase it ends up looking like its clipping all over the place, but doesnt sound like it...if this is confusing ill post pics later but I'm at work right now...

anyone have any arguments for or against this practice? basically my preamp is feeding a real hot signal but sounds fine...

Problems with Personus firestudio, etc.

I have been building computers for about 6 years now, usually I am lucky enough to have them run like champs everytime.
I have a friend thaT OWNS A STUDIO HERE AND i BUILT A high-end pc for around 3500, it has the best in hardware, memory of 4 bgs, etc... all things that Personus requires is way below this Pc's specs..

Setting up a Laptop-based Home Digital Recording Setup

I am trying to get a Digital Recording setup that will be serviceable. Nothing fancy, just decent enough to make an accurate demo tape. Also, the setup has to be laptop-based. I know it's nothing compared to a desktop-based setup, but it's the best I've got. Some caveats/existing and projected equipment questions:

PreSonus Firestudio Tube


I'm wonderin' if anyone has any experience, recommends or otherwise on the PreSonus Firestudio Tube? I'm thinking of picking up this unit for a new home studio setup. If not this unit, then what would be comparable?

I'm wondering if it isn't just the blue tube's added onto the amp or something like that?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


new latency issue with did002/imac/pod xt

Hi friends. Quick question with an issue thats DRIVING ME NUTS. Im using a pod xt guitar processor hooked up into the inputs of the digi002 and all the sudden now when i open an audio track and enable record there is a delay from guitar to the computer. In other words, when i play the guitar, you dont hear it come through the system until a brief moment after. Its not even a second.