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Analog 8-track

I'm looking for an analog 8-track reel to reel. Sound quality is a big concern, but so is price, so I'd like to find a nice balance. Which models fit this description? Where should I look, pawn shops, ebay? How much should I expect to pay for a decent unit. Thanks for the help

Recording jazz big band live in 8 tracks - HELP!

:w: Tomorrrow night I'll be recording my son's nationally recognized HS jazz big band live in concert. I have 4 large diaphram condensers, 2 electrets, and 2 instrument dynamics. All will be mixed into a digital 8 track. The brass section has 6 sax's (1st row), 5 trombones (2nd), and 5 trumpets (back row). There is an electric bass and guitar, acoustic piano, and drums.

Any Opinions on an Otari MX70 1" 8 track?

I have a chance to pick one of these up locally for a great price from a trusted source, but I've never used/heard one yet. Anyone have any experience/comments about this machine? I am only familiar w/ the MTR series. Any similarities sonically? This is just for home use (right now I've got the whole FATSO and HEDD to DAW thing happening and am looking at this machine for cutting drums).