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Transferring pt files from 32bit system to 64 bit pt system questions

My cousin recently got a new system, the old is a dual core "sweet water creation station" the new is just a Mac Pro quad, and UA Apollo quad.

The question is mainly about bit rate and if the raw audio files would just transfer, or if there's a process. I know so little about CPU stuff that I'm unsure about how os/daw system bit rate effects older files.

64 vs. 32 bit computer system for DAW?

Hi All,

Just a quick question (I hope :rolleyes:): For a DAW is it then preferred to use a 32 or a 64 bit system? I'm considering Samplitude as a recording software (but not only this software), will use win7, and need a quite fast machine that is also future proof (to the extent possible) ...

Thanks for any insights you may have :redface:



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