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Lucid A/D9624 and 2408 S/PDIF noise

Hi Guys: I can't figure this one out. Please help me. My set up is: d8b,lucid genx6,lucid A/D9624, and a 2408. My problem: I'm getting noise on the left side of the S/PDIF input on the 2408(S/PDIF 1). Spdif 2 works perfectly. It's not the A/D9624. I can take the S/PDIF out of the 9624 and go to a DAT and it's clean. I can also take the AES/EBU out and that is clean.

New 24 bit A/D vs. . a great old 18 bit

I'm going to be getting an A/D converter in the next week or so. I was going to get the Lucid 2496 but I found an 18-bit Mytek for less. I know the Mytek was really expensive back in the day, how would it compare to a new Lucid or Rosetta? Being 2496 compatible isn't all that important to me right now as I don't have any other gear that can handle it. Good sound is the only consideration.


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