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Hi Guys: I can't figure this one out. Please help me. My set up is: d8b,lucid genx6,lucid A/D9624, and a 2408. My problem: I'm getting noise on the left side of the S/PDIF input on the 2408(S/PDIF 1). Spdif 2 works perfectly. It's not the A/D9624. I can take the S/PDIF out of the 9624 and go to a DAT and it's clean. I can also take the AES/EBU out and that is clean. I can go from the S/PDIF out of my DAT into the 2408 and it works perfectly. When I go S/PDIF out of the 9624 to S/PDIF in on the 2408, I get noise. Only on the left side. I first thought it was the A/D 9624 and sent it back to Lucid. It tested fine there and they sent it back and from all the tests that I've done here, it does seem to be OK. Maybe I'm just an idiot. Good possibility. Everything is wired with Apogeeclock cables and monster S/PDIF cables. I have checked all the cables. If I need to record something in mono, I can use S/PDIF 2 in and it works great. If I need to do stereo and choose S/PDIF 1-2, I get noise on the left side. Do you have any idea what this could be?