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ZED R16 Analog Mixdown - How does it work?

Hey all, I'm a new owner of a Zed-R16 and one of the really cool features the mixer has is of course the analog mixdown option where you can send the tracks back from the DAW to the mixer and mix the tracks like one would on a traditional analog mixer. But what I'm having hard time understanding is how its actually done or more importantly how is the mixed signals then recorded?

Analog vs. plugin compression- fundamental differences?

I have to confess that I often have difficulty telling whether my compressor plugins are actually functioning. I do not hear them the same way as I hear an outboard compressor in a guitar rig. Is this typical? Are plugin compressors more subtle? Does anyone else have difficulty hearing their plugin compressors at times?

Analog Output Issues - FF800

I use a FF800 as the "brain" of my system.
I use two Digimax LTs as the ADAT 1 and 2 into the FF,
Unfortunately, these units only have inserts, and no true analog outputs.

I currently have:
9 actual outputs (8 analog and 9/10), and the way TotalMix is setup, they are mixed as stereo pairs, leaving 5 discrete outputs (minus some clever panning, when possible).


An "analog" (analog) is a close but not perfectly accurate copy of (in this case) a signal or sound. For instance, a signal recorded on tape is an analog of the original sound, and although it may be a nearly perfect duplicate, it will not have exactly the same characteristics as the original.


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