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Hard disc recorder that works with old mackie analog board

I have a 1995 Mackie 24.8  8 bus mixer, I'm tired of my DA88 tapes being chewed up and paying Tascam over $300 for repair, so can anyone recommend a 24 track hard disc recorder that will interact with the old Mackie board and hookup to it?  Someone mentioned the Alesis hd24 BUT a mix review on that said" the HD24 does not allow multiple track takes"  what does that really mean?

Alesis HD24 hard drive problems (and possibly more)

Ok, I've been losing sleep, hair and probably tooth enamel (from grinding them) on a similar issue. I've had an HD24 for 7 years. Power went out while I was gone for three days this summer. I had everything on an UPS. Which of course did not last that long. The HD will turn on correctly if the drive caddie is not in it.

Alesis HD24 Alternative

I work with bands that regularly require over a dozen channels. Of course the usual multitrack recorder has only 8 simultaneous channels--ARRGHH!. For me the Alesis HD24 is the GOLD standard. but it's a big leap budget-wise to go from a Boss to an Alesis.

I have a Mackie TT24 with 3 ADAT fiberoptic outs. I do not need the A/D converters that the Alesis has.