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Audio Stream Input/Output is a computer sound card driver protocol for digital audio specified by Steinberg, providing a low-latency and high fidelity interface between a software application and a computer's sound card

software that supports ASIO? any recommendations?

Hey guys, I have the MOTU 828 interface, and I've been using n-track, simply because it is cheap and supports ASIO. It is very unstable for some reason. I use it only to record my tracks, then use adobe audition to engineer. It constantly locks up my computer, which no software has ever done before. I'm thinking it's time to upgrade. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Layla20/24 + WDM + ASIO App ( Nuendo/SX )

Hi Guys...

My BIGGG problem is that:

I do Big projects, like 40/50 tracks.. so i can't use low latencies, my buffer size is set up to 4096 and it's fine for me.. since i don't need any "real time" FX.. i don't use VSTis ( just record audio ) and don't need realtime effects 'cos i have my Yamaha 03D to do my GHOST reverbs/chorus/delays etc...


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