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mastering guidelines for suitability for radio broadcast

Hi There, I was wondering if their is a mastering guideline manual for making sure my masters are suitable for radio broadcast. Someone told me if you use too much reverb that the radio stations wouldn't play them. Is this true? Is there a guide for radio broadcast suitability available for download somewhere?

(I am using Adobe audition 3, Sony Sound Forge 7, with Ozone 3)

Mastering audio for broadcast TV/DVD

ok so we have made a documentary, and mixed the audio track, which includes speech, and a lot of (already mastered) music. now our problem is, this sounds fine, but we have a volume issue, there are no visible peaks, but apparant audio clips when playing on a tv, and also our main volume(its peaking at -0.2 and its rms is - 8) does not compare to a standard dvd/tv show.

Radio Broadcast-String Quartet and a last minute request

Yesterday I did a string quartet live broadcast/2 track recording for a classical radio station near here. I used a pair of AKG Blue Line Cardioid microphones in a coincident-pair arrangement. I placed the microphones about 8 feet in front of the quartet and about chest high. The recording and broadcast came off very well*.

Broadcast levels

Hi everyone,I was just wondering what would be the maximum loudness level for pop music you would want to send to commercial radio stations for fm broadcast.A lot of commercial CD's I've been listening to have a loudness level of up to +13 vu and sound great (some don't),I'm sure this would not sound very nice on radio after going through all thier limiters and other processing.So the main poin