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Connecting a dbx 576 pream compressor to a Tascam -428

I am recording from an AKG 1000s microphone into a dbx preamp. Also using a Kurzwel K2500.

What setting are needed on the various inputs and outputs on the back of the dbx preamp. there is achoice of dbV and dBu (-10 and =4)

in particular,

1. What is needed on the input from the Kurzweil?

Connecting Sequencer with HDR 24/96

I had posted an earlier email regarding connectivity from my Roland XP-60 Sequencer to HDR 24/96. I finally got it connected and was successful in laying down my tracks.

The only problem that I had discovered, that once I did my initial tracks such as Drums, Bass and Piano it recorded fine because it was the initial tracks.