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Midi devices

I made a beat last night and exported it. Before I listened to the mp3 I clicked on midi out and it said preparing for midi export and can not be undone. I still have the beat pattern it is all in one channell with no sound. The mp3's do not play but are exported. My real question is how can I save this beat to it's original pattern and re export it if possible.

USB not shown in device manager


I've been cruising along quite nicely since I built my own DAW with the help of Opus and others here. Unfortunately, I decided to reenable USB only to discover that USB doesn't even exist in the device manager. I have USB enabled in the BIOS and HIC enabled in services. All the troubleshooting on the net assumes that you can see USB on the device manager's list.

Cubase not showing reason devices in midi output

when i run reason and Cubase together i can play the reason song through Cubase but i cant get midi mapped to reason or vice versa.

i should beable to get the reason devices to show up in the midi output window to select them on each midi channel, but everything i've tried doesnt work.

i have Cubase vst32 v.5
reason v.1

any suggs. help

no Reason devices in midi output- cubase&reason

i finally got reason to load with cubase, but now the reason devices dont show up in the midi output window to be selected for routing.

does anyone possibly know what i should be checking out?

i get reason to play through cubase, but i cant trigger anything via my midi keyboard.

very annoying considering i've been at this for months now.