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Fabfilters new De-esser - Pro-DS

Fabfilters recently came out with a new desser -Pro-DS. I have their Pro bundle (Compressor, Limters, EQ, Gate) and they are my goto plugins for precision control. (I tend to use the UAD plugins for color.) I am mixing two songs (The Story and Someday Soon) with a new soprano. She's not terrible on sibilance, but as you can imagine, those songs benefit from some help.

Standalone de-esser...not a plug in

I'm wondering if there are any standalone software programs that competently de-ess a wav file. I don't want to spend the money for a hardware de-esser when I rarely use need it.

I haven't been happy with the embedded software de-essers I've tried in SoundBooth and Sound Forge, but it is probably fair to chalk that up to stupid user error.

Vocal Compressor / De-esser help please...


I would like to find a nice warm compressor to use for vocals, but also one with a de-esser so I don't have to multi-band that out in post. Is that something that is usually combined? Or is that something that needs to be a separate piece of equipment?

If I get a multi-band compressor, does it still have an overall compressor that is not band-specific?


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