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An acronym for Digital Audio Workstation A digital audio workstation (DAW) is an electronic device or application software used for recording, editing and producing audio files. DAWs come in a wide variety of configurations from a single software program on a laptop, to an integrated stand-alone unit, all the way to a highly complex configuration of numerous components controlled by a central computer. Regardless of configuration, modern DAWs have a central interface that allows the user to alter and mix multiple recordings and tracks into a final produced piece.

PT: How do I get this THing picking up the DAW controller?

Ive got Pro Tools Le 6.5 and ive got a little Tascam Us-225 Daw controller...I cant get pro tools to pick it up. Ive dropped the .dll's into the Pro Tools DAE/controllers folder and i still cannot control pro tools with the unit. The Tascam says it can control Digidesign. I am planning to buy the 25 channel Tascam controller and i dont want this same problem, sumbody help me out.

Mini Mac for DAW? Anyone do it yet?

I know there are a few here that say no-way, plus I have a AMD64 and AMD XP for Giga, EWQLSO, Nuendo, etc, so am set as far as power is concerned, but late last night I was looking through a few mags and still, they (vendors) push the iBook and Powerbook for portable DAW with something like Pro_tools LE Mbox, so my question is, really, how bad would a mini mac be?

Help with a new DAW

Hello all. I just foudn this site while researching my options for building a new DAW.

Just a little background.
Started with music doing the ACID route 6 years ago.
Picked up Reason about two years ago.
Have been playing around with VST's etc for the past few months.
I have decided to get serious with my music so I am looking at where to goto next.

DAW Software comparison - PT, Logic, Cubase, Cakewalk, etc.

I am buying a new studio. I want to be able to record a live band all playing at the same time (about 12 mics). I want to be able to occassionally fix a tuning or timimg problem (for a singer's out of tune note or a drummers late snare hit). I want to do automated mix down. I will not be doing MIDI.