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really easy for someone who knows:

i run a pc with an m-audio delta 66 soundcard. it's a delta 66 omni to be exact (they don't make them anymore...really stylish).

it has a breakout box with mic preamps, phantom, and decent A/D converters.

i'm about to spend about a grand on a dedicated AD/DA converter.

01v96v2 or DDX3216..Digital Mixers?

I know this topic has been covered in the past but some of the posts are a couple years old. So since I will be buying one of these soon. I thought I'd ask you users of these, how have they been holding up? Any Regrests?
I notice the ddx's are hard to find, many places don't stock them anymore so I have my worries about that. I would save about 1200.00 if I got the DDX.

A few tips for a "Small Room" Digital Home Studio.

Most of my friends who have Home Studio's have their garage converted into something very nice and costly that looks like a Star Wars space ship with lights off their racks glowing in the room with a computer that could probably run a space ship. I don't have that pleasure or that kinda cash . But each year I record at least 4 CD's and I have yet to hear 1 finished song from them.