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Programming Drums.

Hi Just joined in the hope to further my knowledge.

Im currently using Logic Pro to record and produce tracks. But I'm fairly in the dark as to how i can produce a drum track without Micing up a kit. so i would like to know what i need to program drums for a particular track that I'm recording. is there a plugin for logic? or do i need a completely separate program?

Recording e-drums through preamps - any difference?

Does it matter what kind of preamp a person records e-drums through? The sounds in the drum kit module are pro-quality already, but I imagine that what they go through before they hit the DAW can make a huge difference in their recorded quality. Am I correct in my assumption? If I send the TD-9 sounds through a Neve it should sound better than sending it through an ART or FMR RNP?

Drums signal level too hot!

I am trying to obtain a signal level of -20dBFS to -12dBFS at the input channel on Cubase 5, using the Focusrite Octopre Dynamic MkII mic preamp . The problem that I am having is with the recording of the drum tracks. The signal level that I am getting at the input bus is -1dBFS to -3dBFS even though my gains are set at zero on the mic preamp.

Problems recordingAddictive Drums instrument track in Cubase

I have a program called Addictive drums. I can get the instrument track up, and seemingly record a pattern, as I see the track change color as it advances (although it shows no data like a normal track) but as soon as I stop recording, the track virtually disappears. Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong?

Millenium MPS-100 Drums - Any good?

Hi guys, I am looking into buying the Millenium MPS-100 electronic drum kit as a drum kit to play, as well as a midi set. Does anyone know whether the kit is any good, whether midi signal latency is an issue? It looks like a great kit, 7 piece, 2 pedals (plus a 'realistic' kick pedal) and since I'm going to be mainly using it for recording, I need to make sure I'm making the right decision.