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To Normalize or Not, and 24 bit recording to 16 bit CD..

I have a couple simple questions I have never gotten a good response on...

1. Should I normalize tracks after I record them. Back in the day I normalized everything and I think I got some pretty good results. I have heard that normalization can introduce unwanted noise, but personally haven't run into that situation yet. If not, when should you normalize?

Hardwer or software sampler?

What sounds better:"The same sample of,lets say,
bass guitar played from EmuE4Platinum or played from Halion or GigaStudio on computer with Motu2408?
I know that there is differences between Emus and Akais samplers in alogorithm,but I wonder are the software samplers enough good in producing sound as they are hardware samplers.
Thanks in advance.


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