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That old radio/record/tape sounding effect on vocals


I was wondering if anybody knows any shortcuts on how to obtain that old record sounding vocal effect (kind of portishead sounding)? I have an eq setting on my Korg d3200 recording studio(i bought this for portable recordings), but I've already recorded this onto Pro Tools LE before I decided to change the recording. I was wondering if there is any eq tactics i can do post recording.

How do I monitor effects in EMU Patchmix?

In other words, the classic monitor "wet", record "dry" scenario.

Patchmix is pretty daunting and I can get it to do most of what I want but I know theres a way to hear reverb on the mic mix going to the vocalist that will not end up being sent to Cubase for recording.

I know it has to do something with sends and buses but I feel pretty lost.



Effects- Pre or Post

i completely understand the use or effects pre or post in a mixing board for live use etc. but i'm not sure about pre or post in a daw. i assume that if you raise or lower the fader that you would want the effect to follow that fader movement right? so that is pre correct? what about reverbs being used on a aux send? please give me a little theory on this. thanks