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Which external soundcard would you recommend me?

Hi everybody! Long time no see!

I have an white Ibook 500 mhz 192 ram and would like to hear recommendations of external soundcards for using Traktor for live DJ sessions. i'm telling you this because to get the best of this program you need 4 outs (2 master and 2 cue).

It doesn't need to be said, that the cheaper you can recommend me the best... at least for my pocket!

gain of external AD?


I was thinking of buying a TC triple C stereo compressor to use as a...well... compressor, but also 'by passed'as an external AD converter feeding my Emagic Audio8 card. The TC can be put to dithering when recording which is fine because the AW8's digi-in is 16 bits only. Would I gain better recording this way or would it be marginal only?
Thanks guys!