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Newbie here. Questions. FireStudio Project?

Hi, Im gathering up stuff to cut an album. Im looking at the FireStudio Project.

The big thing is, I want to have atleast 8 mic inputs.

I've heard about a lot of "technical" problems with these, but I dont care about those, because I've studied all the fixes, and I'm also a computer tech by trade. I have a beefy "hackintosh" with 2.66 dual core and 4 gigs of hyperX Ram.

problem recording with PreSonus firestudio project, stops...

Ok, we are trying to record clips of our band live with this

anyway we were trying to test it at home running keyboard lines to it (4, but weve had the same problem with 8 or 1 or whatever).

Whenever we try to record anything with it, it records for a few seconds (usually 2-12) and then it stops recording. then the bar continues (but it does not resume recording).