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I was wondering of any one can tell me how to automate vst instruments.
Particulary the Master Filter in Ilio's Stylus, and other global functions in DX plugins and vst plugins, such as Waves plugins, or t racks.
Thank You.


bhuvan Sun, 09/26/2004 - 09:20

you can either use the "touch" mode and your actions/tweaking will be recorded as you make any changes.

if you're using pro tools, you'll have to add each parameter that you want to automate to the automation track and then draw a curve. in logic, you'll have a listing of each parameter that you want to draw automation for.

what platform are you on?

Kurt Foster Sun, 09/26/2004 - 12:53

bhuvan wrote:
if you're using pro tools, you'll have to add each parameter that you want to automate to the automation track and then draw a curve.
what platform are you on?

:shock: Wow! what a pain ... No wonder all the engineers who use PT want to mix through an automated console!

In Cubase all I do is locate to the point where I want to make the moves, enable write for automation .. run the song, make the move. If I don't like how it plays back, I can delete last mix and do it again until I'm satified. Just like on a large automated console.

bhuvan Tue, 10/05/2004 - 09:06

is Ilio's Stylus the same as spectrasonics stylus?

well, in sx2, when you open a track and use a certain VSTi on it, then with the small + sign below the track name you can drop down automation tracks of various parameters. you can choose the parameter from a drop box. then draw with the pencil tool.

or you can see what the controller no is of the parameter that you want to automate and double click on the region. in the lower half of this window, you can choose to view a particular controller's automation.


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