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Spark FX Machine

I just picked up a copy dirt cheap (GC had one copy left and were blowing out old stock to make room for new stuff coming out at Winter NAMM), how about $9.99. That's right under 10 bucks. I have installed it but am still waiting for my response code from TC and haven't had any time to test it out.

MPX 110/100 FX - need your help !


I just bought a MPX 110 FX (Lexicon) for vocal use and have this slightest problem.
In ALL the presets containing a ROTARY effect (including "Special FX";Variation 5), I see a weird phenomenon:
When using the "Adjust" knob or "Effects Lvl/Bal" knob,the "Edit" LED flickers (should only light) as if connected to
some internal oscillator (malfunction?)

Soundcraft fx 8 or fx 16 for my Otari 8 track reel to reel?

Hi all, I have finally narrowed down the tpe of mixer that I want to purchase. THe only problem I have now is deciding whether I need to 8 channel Soundcraft fx 8 or the Soundcraft 16 channel fx 16 for my 8 track Otari reel to reel. I am mainly concerned with the ability or inability to record and monitor on the 8 channel board.

Harmonizers, and other weird FX modules?

I am usually a no frills guy when it comes to vocals, I just like GOOD vocals.

However I am getting into a lot of work with people who want WEIRD Marylin Manson-ish vocals.

My first thought is the Eventide Harmonizer, but I do not have access to one anymore, and as much as I would like to have one, they are still pricey, or at least all the ones I have seen.


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