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Help me clean up this guitar line - "wooshing"?

I recorded a guitar line directly from my acoustic's LR Baggs pickup. In the mix I've applied compression, Amplitube for distortion, and EQ. The song as a whole has not been the most spectacular mix, but it's getting there and I like the way the guitar fits in as it is. Unfortunately, there's this low end "wooshing" that happens every time I fret on for the second and third notes of each bar.

Recording acoustic rythm guitars without too much trouble

Is in fact possible ;) But not with an acoustic guitar! Just take your electric guitar, place a microphone close in front of your strings, the closer to the point where you hit the strings, the better (I used a SM57 with some pretty convincing results), set your amplifier on a clean sound and start recording!

How to get rid of fuzzy guitar distortion

Hey, I don't know if this has been asked before, I couldn't find it, so anyway..

I've been recording guitars for a while now, but when it comes to distortion, or overdrived guitars my sound always seems to become a big fuzzy mass of distorted guitars without definition or whatsoever. I doubletrack most of my guitars, and most of the time I record with 2 mics.


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