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Groove Tubes System 6TM. How does it compare to...


How does it compare to something like the RODE NTK, ADK A51TC or Studio Projects T3? Is it a good used buy at £200 inc shipping?

Should it be an improvement for vocals over the C1, GT55 & RE1000 I currently use (I know voices differ)? Should I save for a new £350 tube like those mentioned above, or grab the used GT for £200?

Groove Tubes Mics: GT55 GT66... opinions?

I believe the 55 is the FET version of the tube 66.

I'm still not 100% convinced about my current Blue Baby Bottle, and am looking for alternatives.

A friend's AT4033 had some elements that I preferred to the Baby, in that the 4033 wasn't so boxy, but the 4033 was also too raspy.

I know a few people who rave about GT's. Any diff since Alesis got ahold of them?