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Legal home recording studio? please help!

Hello everyone, I am going to be turning the guest house of my new home into a recording studio, I wouldn’t consider the project to be a "home recording" studio because it's just to massive of a space and the budget for construction and equipment is far above what could be considered a "home recording project", I would like to know if anyone has gone through this, I'm interested in the legal as

A few tips for a "Small Room" Digital Home Studio.

Most of my friends who have Home Studio's have their garage converted into something very nice and costly that looks like a Star Wars space ship with lights off their racks glowing in the room with a computer that could probably run a space ship. I don't have that pleasure or that kinda cash . But each year I record at least 4 CD's and I have yet to hear 1 finished song from them.

taking home recordings to major studios

i have recorded some songs in my home studio use the onyx 1640 and Cubase sx and i need to finish the song in a major studio. what is the best way to do that...if the studio i take it to is Pro Tools bases how can i take what i did in Cubase and further mix or finish it in Pro Tools.

i hope this makes sense to the experts

Home Studio for Essentially Soft-Synth Only?

Ive been dabbling for about a year with home recording on a budget, and it's time to get serious. I have:

P4 2.66 all purpose Dell 4550
1GB RAM (max supported)
Deta 66 (w/Omni box)
Yamaha P120 and Evo MK461c for midi control
DAW-worthless PC speakers (halfway decent consumer-level headphones)


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