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Korg Inc., founded as Keio Electronic Laboratories, is a Japanese multinational corporation that manufactures electronic musical instruments, audio processors and guitar pedals, recording equipment, and electronic tuners.

Micro Korg. Excellent Machine... new Heaven

What up all? I have downloaded patches for Micro Korg, MS2000, Acoustic, anda few others. Anybody know a good site to get some custom patches? This is an excellent keyboard, especially with new patches and sets. Letes get a database going with all our links to the patches. I need to look up my browser for where i downloaded mine, ill put that in my next post.


I have read wonderfull reviews about the Korg Karma, I am planing to purchase this keyboard for my home studio, I will use it as a synth and as a midi controller device.. Another option would be a MicroKorg with the vocooder thing on it. That would be a cheaper option but I dont know if it would be the right one. Coments on both produts are apprecciated.

Anybody can help me with a Korg D12 Recorder?

I get a screen that says "Init Internal Hard drive" when i start it up. Then it goes to an initializing screen with and animation of a man hammering on a disc spinning. and it just stays there for hours n hours, days n days. I'm stumpped. I found a way to skip the initializ screen. but then i get into the system and i cant save ANYTHINg. cant start a new song, nothing can be " OK" 'd.

Korg D1600 MKII

I have a Korg D1600 MKII and when I went to save/backup the data onto my computers hard drive (via USB), the only thing that came over was a .EXE application. Did I miss something?
Thanks so much for the help,
mutz ...

PS - Are there any good aftermarket books for the Korg D1600 MKII?