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what Mac Laptop?

I want to move over to Mac for my Mobile DAW. I'll be using Logic Audio 6 or Pro (so I'll be able to take advatage of the "freeze track" function, which is suppose to do wonders for cpu free-up). Should I go with a Ibook G4 900 or a Tibook 867? Does the L2 Cache make that much of a difference?


Laptop recording question (basic)

Hi everyone - I have been reading the posts here for a while and now have a question for the experts here. It's pretty remedial but I haven't found a clear answer anywhere yet.
I have been doing some live recording using board feed/room mic into a mixer into an Alesis HD recorder. I am thinking about switching to something like a MOTU 828 or 896 into a laptop.

Getting audio into Laptop?

Laptop has pcmcia slots and fire wire port and CDrom.

I want to get pre-master material ino laptop to do cross fades and some minor editing.

I have Masterlink created 24 bit CDs and also 16 bit nonmastered CDs that others have created.

I want to do home mastering of these from laptop - HEDD - VariMu - massive Passive - Hedd - redbook burn.

Hum eliminator for a Laptop

I bought a laptop to do some recording and the noise was terrible. All I'm using is live recording from a mic (no MIDI). I've seen the advertisement on the EBTECH hum eliminator and it says to locate the eliminator between the problem equipment. I'm only using a mic so I assume the noise is inside the laptop. Any ideas how to resolve this issue? I bought the laptop (Toshiba) for recording.


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