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midi problems

Seeking Help to Diagnose and Solve Problem with MIDI Drum Recording

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Submitted by bucki4lyfe on Sat, 07/29/2017 - 07:42

Hello friends,

I'm seeking help to determine the problem I'm having when recording a MIDI file from my electronic drum kit.

Alesis Crimson Mesh Head Electronic Drum Set
USB MIDI cable (direct from the ekit to my computer)
Samsung laptop
Sony Acid Pro 7
Line 6 POD Farm
Line 6 TonePort UX2

Problem sending midi notes to external hardware in Ableton Live 9 Suite

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Submitted by detlef on Wed, 02/03/2016 - 13:44

I want to use Ableton Live 9 Suite to play some background tracks while performing live.
One track is configured to send midi notes to an external drum machine. This drum machine have a built in bass line that plays through a bass amp. I'm just interested in the bass line, which is triggered on channel 8 of Ableton (and other sequencers).

Problems with MIDI keyboard, no signal in DAW.

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Submitted by anonymous on Mon, 12/29/2014 - 19:27

I am beginner in home recording. I've recently bought a new audio interface, the Tascam US-122MKII, to record audio, guitar and MIDI tracks. I've successfully recorded all but the latter. For some reason I can't get any signal from my keyboard in my recording software. I've connected correctly the MIDI cables also.

Midi Cable connection problem

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Submitted by jeff2012 on Thu, 11/15/2012 - 10:40


I am using a Emu 1616m interface and for the first time am looking to hook up a midi drum kit via it. The problem I am having is the midi port on the breakout box is not a standard midi port and it did not come with the required adapter. Where would I be able to find the right adapter which should be the serial? into the breakout box with a standard midi in and out cable?

Midi Latency Problem

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Submitted by Kruddler on Fri, 06/24/2011 - 21:05

I've been using Ableton 8 and an Axiom 25 controller on a Mac Mini with Native Instruments Razor for a couple of weeks now. It works really well on Mac. However, it was a CPU monster so I literally bought a new PC for the express purpose of running many channels with the Razor plugin . Now I'm getting midi latency.

MIDI problems

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Submitted by anonymous on Sat, 05/08/2010 - 04:31

Ihave recently installed Adobe Audition 3 on my computer and some plugins ( Eastwest quantum leap RA. .)
Is there a option that I can reciord MIDI while I play so i dont have to create a MIDI track note by note in sequencer.
That is OK if i record drums, but for pianos this work is pain in the ass.

MIDI USB Problems

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Submitted by anonymous on Thu, 04/15/2010 - 18:15

I need some help setting up a midi usb cable with my current setup. I have a KORG d1200 (which is acting pretty much as a phantom power for my mic), and i HAD it hooked up through its headphone jack going to my computer which is running adobe auditon 3. I decided to up my sound quality by getting a MIDI to USB cable (M-Audio).

Cubase SX 3 Midi Problem

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Submitted by Pharaoh on Fri, 10/30/2009 - 08:44

i have no sound on Cubase 3 with my fatar SL 880 no matter what i do, (monitor,record). I'm kinda newbie in midi config. so what i did was inserting a cable into 1 of two outputs from my kb and on the other side plugged into IN . I don't find my kb in midi device manager list. I own an Delta 1010 LT
suggestions pls !