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Some Newbie RecordingMixing Questions

Hi all, I've just purchased and installed a MAudio Mobile pre with the aI'm of recording some live guitar & vocals, then mixing in some synths.

So I plug the acoustic in, click record in Cool Edit pro, and play a couple of licks. But when I play it back, the guitar is only on the left or right channel (depending on the channel I plug it into).

Mixing to CD

Hi, I did a search of the forums, but I couldn't find anything to help me out, so any advice would be appreciated.

I'm curious what are the pros & cons for mixing down straight to a CD-burner if I am recording in analog.

I record singer-songwriter type acoustic music on a Tascam 388, and when I do my mixes, I mix down to a stand-alone component CD-burner.

Strings Mixing

Hi All,
I am using Strings (Synth) and Hammond for keys. Should I place my Strings as a stero track panned L and R or should I bounce to a single mono track and pan to left and Hammond of to right (not far L-R but to taste).
Opinionsas to what might sound best or work best for the rest of my tracks to sit right.

As usual, THANKS!