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Studio monitors are loudspeakers in speaker enclosures specifically designed for professional audio production applications, such as recording studios, filmmaking, television studios, radio studios and project or home studios, where accurate audio reproduction is crucial.

Yamaha NS10 Studio Monitors - Recording ORG

Big monitors

I have a fairly well put together studio with a couple of pairs of small monitors, but occasionally I like to crank up a song. (to impress myself as well as clients and friends) What do you use or suggest for large monitors. I haven't put much thought into a budget, mainly because I'm not sure of pricing on bigger monitors.

All replies are appreciated.
Thanks, Tony

monitors on two computer without mixer

question ! i have a mac and a pc . my pc is hooked up to a m audio interface and my mac to the duet and my krk rokit speakers are hooked up to my mac with XLR cables . Now if i hook up my maudio inter face to the speakers in the TRS 1/4 cable area and have the duet plugged in to the XLR cables at the same time will i be able to to use both computers with the same sppeakers ?

Problem with monitors --> phase inversion?

Just got a shiny red pair of KRK Rokit G2 6s, but I don't have an interface yet so I tried to connect them directly to my Mac Pro. They came with male/male TRS cables so I picked up a couple of TRS to 1/8" converters and used an 1/8" Y connector I had lying around to plug them into the line out port in back, and then changed the sound settings to send sound output to the line out port.