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Studio monitors are loudspeakers in speaker enclosures specifically designed for professional audio production applications, such as recording studios, filmmaking, television studios, radio studios and project or home studios, where accurate audio reproduction is crucial.

Yamaha NS10 Studio Monitors - Recording ORG

Is it better to change my monitors or Fixed my room

Hi, I have my own small studio (PT24 5.1/88824/) and where I live it's a excellent option because of the price range and the advantages it gave me over other studios in the area.
Right now i'm doing SORT of Mastering, i mean I'm not a mastering engineer but here there are no options around so I took the advantage and I'm almost the only option around.

NS-10's went for $470!

Holy crap! My NS-10's went for $470 via Ebay auction. Unbelievable.

Now I can get a shielded pair to have around the computer. I'm thinking Tannoy Reveals but have to take a listen to other monitors in that price range before making a final decision.

'Excellent smithers'


KRK vs. . NS 10 monitors

I've been working for a year now with NS-10s on one room and krk k-rok on another. The NS-10s have a small sub to help the bass. Althogh I like the krk's I keep coming back to the 10's and I'm always shocked at the difference - in comparison the 10's sound muffled but somehow they highlight problems that the krk's don't (levels, reverb lengths and low-mid junk).


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