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monitors on two computer without mixer

question ! i have a mac and a pc . my pc is hooked up to a m audio interface and my mac to the duet and my krk rokit speakers are hooked up to my mac with XLR cables . Now if i hook up my maudio inter face to the speakers in the TRS 1/4 cable area and have the duet plugged in to the XLR cables at the same time will i be able to to use both computers with the same sppeakers ?

HELP - Best Multitrack/Mixer for under 450$

I want to start by saying in sorry to be another recording newbie asking almost the same question.

I want to record demos with my band. Instead of doing all the layers one after the others, it would be awsome to record rehearsals and tweak all the track in the DAW (cubase). It would hopefully sound better than recording with a tape cassette recorder.

Headphone monitor on mixer

Hey! I've had this problem for ages, but could never really find an answer (googling for "mixer headphone monitor" turns up quite a variety). So, I've come here for help :)

I use a mixer almost daily (for music mixing, internet broadcasts, home projects, etc). I also prefer to use headphones with my mixer (plugged into the phones out). Now here's the problem: