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Can somone explain somethign to me about digital mixers?

Please keep in mind I do not have this equipment, this is simply for my understanding.. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Here is my Problem. I guess I dont understand how the signal travels, and a few other things like where the d/a converting takes place.

Allright lets say this is what I have for gear

Help! Which of the inexpensive digital mixers is best?

I currently have an analog board and have considered buying a digital board from maybe ebay but I need help in making a decision about which board to get. I wanted to try the Behringer dd3216, a Tascam dm-24, or maybe a Yamaha o1v. Any help would be appreciated. I would spend from $1500-$2000. I have also seen a panasonic board that looks pretty good but I'm not sure how old that board is.

Ntrack and mixer routing help!

hey all, new to the boards.

i have been a N-track user for 3 or 4 years now and i will not mess with it for months at a time out of frustration.

i have a Berry MX802A mixer running into a Audiophile 24/96 card using the latest N-track 4.0. ok, i have the 2 track outs on the Berry mixer to my soundcard in's! (left to left,right to right)


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