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Alternate software for editing music?

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Submitted by zedrein on

Hey guys, this is my first post here, and just as I am a relative "newbie" on the forums, the same can be said about my experience in the studio. So firstly, let's get to my (rather modest) set up: I have a Premio 1.5 Ghz CPU running Pro Tools LE on a Digidesign MBox, what I am wondering is, can I use a different editing software (Adobe Audition 1.5) through my MBox?

getting my music professionally mastered - scared as sh**!

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Submitted by multoc on

So my band "The Injured List" just got signed and my recordings will soon be going off to Spectre Mastering studios in Washington, they have a very professional space and their discography is rock solid!

I'm just scared to death that my recordings in the end will sound like sh**!


Troll claiming my music as theirs

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Submitted by AKR on

Ok, so here's the deal. I have a little internet troll friend that's been obsessed with me for a few months now (on another website). I plan on posting my myspace url as soon as I get up my first song. I am 100% certain this person will start a new account and claI'm that they are me and the music is theirs, while proceding to be a complete jackass.