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Why won't my computer record music very well?


I'd appreciate some help from anyone. I know nothing about computers.

I'm trying to record music from my casio keyboard to my computer using Ableton live version 6, but it won't record very well. it skips and has a delay of about half a second to a second.

I have the following computer:

Question from a music lover - karaoke tracks?

Hello there,

Does anyone know whether recordings can be found on the market that only contain the instrumental parts of famous songs (e.g. Beatles), to which one can sing along (karaoke)?

Obviously, one can try and filter out the voice in the original songs themselves, but this often would not leave a very good result.

A documentary on local musicians project - need audio advice


I'm preparing for a long project, archiving some local bands from many genres.

And I need advice on how to recording audio for this project...
So far I've had advice to buy either AKG 414 or Sennheiser 416...
The budget has around 2000$ for audio hardware, so let me know what you think the setup should be.

Los Angeles Recording School vs SAE vs Musician's Institute?

I'm moving to LA this summer and considering doing a music production/engineering course when I'm there - either Los Angeles Record School, SAE or Musician's Institute.

I searched this forum and found some similar topics from a few years ago but wanted some recent opinions from people who've done these courses.

How to record music? newbie question

I’m very new to the music recording scene. My 10 year old son started playing guitar almost 2 years and has branched out playing drums, bass and keyboard. He now has gotten bitten by the recording bug where he discovered his usb mic supplied with Rock Band can be used to record his instruments into his laptop using sound recorder. He then multi tracks in Adobe Audition.


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